She's Gotta Have It Mystery Box!
Have you ever seen our shoes and couldn't choose?! Or didn't trust that you could rock one of our unique heels? No worries! Our mystery box will get your wardrobe to the next level!
Purchase our $55 Mystery Box and receive 2 pairs of Psalm's Choice shoes
Purchase a $75 Mystery Box and receive 3 pairs of Psalm's Choice shoes!
-Help yourself get out of your comfort zone and rock a mystery pair!
-Great price points!
-Need to go gift shopping? Here's your opportunity!
-Add to your Psalm's Choice collection!
-Choose your mystery box by price and shoe size.
-Our Psalm's Choice team will select two pairs of our shoes to ship to you!
-Say It With Shoes no matter where you go!
-All Mystery Box sales are final.
-You can not choose your shoes from selection. A Psalm's Choice team member will choose what goes into each mystery box.
-Shoes will be provided exactly as shoe size ordered with Mystery Box.
-Shipping policy will remain the same: 2-3 business days